The mission of the Bedford Athletic Association (BAA) is to foster, promote and encourage Bedford school athletics with the emphasis on the physical, academic and social welfare of the student. This will include, but not be limited to, providing financial, logistical and emotional support for school athletic programs. While recognizing and rewarding excellence in athletics it will be the goal of this association to.
Recognize excellence in sports including those attributes of character, team spirit and fair play;
Emphasize the development of leadership, sportsmanship and physical and mental well being as the primary benefit of competition.
Emphasize equality in both gender and all levels of athletic competition
To accomplish these goals, the BAA will be active in the raising of funds to assist and support school athletic programs. Fundraising shall support a strong revenue producing program that will include, but not be limited to, assisting all athletic programs, awarding of scholarships to student athletes and the subsidizing of special events or programs endorsed by the Bedford Schools and Athletic Department, that will encourage and promote the growth of the student athlete.